30 Hour Free Funding

Since September 2017 eligible parents have been able to access up to 30 hours of free early education childcare for their 3-4 year olds.

For further information and to register with the Government Childcare website relating to the 30-hour funding, please visit: 


Information for Working Parents: How to apply for Funded Childcare and Tax Free Childcare

For further information on available funding, please click on the links below:

Two Year Old Entitlement: Parent Fact Sheet

Three and Four Year Old Universal Entitlement: Parent Fact Sheet

Three and Four Year Old Extended Entitlement: Parent fact Sheet

Please click on the links below for families with English as an additional language for information about Early Years Education funding entitlements.

EYE Funding Entitlement EYE Funding Entitlement
EYE Funding Entitlement EYE Funding Entitlement
EYE Funding Entitlement EYE Funding Entitlement
EYE Funding Entitlement EYE Funding Entitlement
EYE Funding Entitlement EYE Funding Entitlement
EYE Funding Entitlement EYE Funding Entitlement

Please click on the below videos for further information on the 30 hour free funding:

Promotional Video

Case Study 1

Case Study 2

Case Study 3

Case Study 4